The word will be written in the color that you selected with the eye dropper tool. I personally like working in caps and no spaces. Then, you will right click the text layer, and click rasterize type. This basically means your making the text into an image so you can transform it any way you want.
Then on the top menu bar, click edit, then go down to transform, then rotate and warp and scale the text until it fits the area with the similar color.
Then basically you just keep repeating those steps until you completely fill up the image! It helps to have a general understanding of photoshop as well. I hope this helps! If you have any other questions let me know. Good Luck! None of these gifs are mine and the credit of these gifs goes to the owners of them.
Sorry if there are some duplicates of them in it. A cool infographic for your character using the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator test and the Alignment test. Read More. Includes only small and high quality gifs. None of those are mine, credit goes to the rightful owners. Full credit goes to the original makers.
Mere can be used as an alternative to Bethany Mota or Zoe Sugg she's cuter, in my opinion and she has tons of gifs floating about.
There are exactly gifs here and all credit goes to whoever made them. I do not take credit for any of these gifs, just for compiling them. If you see your gif and you want me to take it out for any reason just tell me and it will be done. I decided to make a png masterlist of some beautiful ladies.