Is there a way to mass download files
It would save me a lot of time! We have a fairly large number of documents we have issued and had signed. To the best of our knowledge we should have most if not all of the documents saved and filed away for our records. However, there have been multiple people who have worked on this research project and there is the possibility of user error and documents which may not have been saved properly.
Rather than spend time sorting through the documents one by one and downloading them individually, we would like to simply download groups of completed document PDFs in one go to ensure that, even should a few have not been filed properly, we know that we have them and are essentially compliant with applicable laws. While you can sort all the documents by completion and select them all, there is no option to download them in groups.
We have spoken over the phone with a technical support agent and they confirmed that what we wish to do is currently not possible. The CSV summary is not helpful to us since we sent out many documents with teh same title and it does not include recipient e-mail addresses or any other useful signifiers which would serve as useable reference.
However, there might have been some slight miscommunication around this functionality. Although we do not have a feature available in the Web application that allows you to download multiple documents in bulk, there are a number of options for extracting documents and data from DocuSign. Count our company as one more Docusign customer that is very disappointed that this very basic feature is not available without paying for an advance d feature set.
The time it takes to individually open and download each individual document is excrutiating enough that we will be looking for another electronic document solution asap. Agreed - this feature should be implemented ASAP. This feature would make a 30 minute task into a 30 second task; how do you ignore that?
We are not dissaponted, but need to download multiple completed documents at once be implemented as well. First note was posted a year ago. Is there a solution now? I'm surprised Docusign doesn't have a way to download all signed docs for a given template within a given date range. Most companies that use Docusign are trying to automate their processes. Manually downloading. I need the same funtionality or I will not continue using Docusign. So, I may have found a decent workaround for this problem.
It also looks like there is a free plug in for Google Drive, so you can just forward the email to there and have it automatically download all the attachments you forward to it.
This is painful - we can only download one signed document at a time? It looks like the only way to download multiple documents is to use a Windows piece of software called Docusign Connect.
We don't use PCs in our organization. We do not want to write our own API-based downloader. Anyone else having this issue? Please chime in!
DocuSign is quickly becoming one of the worst experiences I have had. Inability to bulk download documents or data on "business" plan is just crazy.
Their solutions essentially involve getting in a time machine and going back to to fire up outdated Windows software oh wait, I don't have a PC or download file by file the document and data. Great, then I can take your poorly structured CSV file merge with other files by using terminal commands yes, firing up terminal in to solve what should be basic functionality and then trying to wade through the data with pivot tables and vlookups.
Terrible, just terrible. My other option is to go back to all my signers and set-up a form to capture the information they entered into the document. Awesome, asking customers to do things twice. They love that. Yes, I want to wait 2 days to have access to something you charged my credit care immediately for. For now, I will follow DocuSign's support recommendation " In the meantime, please see Boyd's workaround above.
Sorry Marc from DocuSign, the Boyd workaround doesn't work either. If you're familiar with R, I used a package called 'docuSignr' to mass download all of my completed envelopes. I downloaded 1, based on my date range in just a few minutes. I put the code into a github gist for others to use.
Hopefully others will be able to use it as I have. As a Docusign customer for over 6 years now, I'm absolutely appalled by the horrible customer service I just received about this on the phone. This is ridiculous and as soon as we have downloaded all of our company files we are canceling our service of over 6 years. You need to get your phone support trained better with customer service, and not just have them repeat sentences that are barely understandable and then throw sales pitches at you with "you don't have access to that feature because you are not an enterprise customer, you need to upgrade".
Not good customer service. In , DocuSign does not have a method for downloading bulk forms? If DocuSign is supposed to be a business tool, its lack of such a basic necessary function doesn't seem to support that premise. At this point there is now no way to do it. Sorry everyone, but I'm SOL. Seems like Docusign is concerned about likely massive security holes in their product.
It's completely ridiculous that Docusign doesn't even allow downloading more than one document at once - even when I'm paying 60 bucks a month for this.
The backend for this cannot be that hard to implement. Except none of those support links help at all for this particular problem. Trust me we tried them all. Sep 9, AM. Added photos can be exported from the new Library and imported into the Master Library. Turn off iCloud syncing when reverting to the Master Library. Photos - Use multiple libraries in Photos. Sep 9, PM.
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I can write code, do not have approval to buy anything Thanks. At the top you can include Attachments. SFDummy Thanks Solees for the quick response.
I am using different tool to take a daily back of my data to SQL server. But I want to take back up of attachments from opportunites on regular basis incremental if possible not all data. SFDummy Is there a way for me to put filter to only download opportunity created before certain date?
Solees Here you go man, hope this helps you.